Monday, December 9, 2013

Greetings from the Grand Island of Chiloé

November 25, 2013
Well, this was a great week, i have gotten to my new sector safely and i absolutley love it here, it is huge, we have such a large sector which is wonderful, and it is gorgeous, on side we have a bunch of rolling hills and on the other side is the ocean and other little islands, it is one of the prettiest places, and there are so many people here, and the chilotes (People from chiloé) are the nicest people. Its fun because chiloè has so many mythys and legends (I`ll send piccs of the myths and legends), and so much tourism and such a pretty chapel, and its kindof like its own little island country. Its very big, which i didnt know either. You all need to look up the himno de chiloè which is awesome.

My companion is named Elder Dunn, he is from Goodyear, Arizona. He just barely finished his training, so that is fun to be with a young elder (18) with good energy and is excited to work here in ancud. I am really excited for this next cambio.In our branch, i heard that normally about 30-40 attend but yesterday in church we had 65 which was great for here and we are going to be having even more growth here, as there are 6 missionaries in ancud, 4 sisters and us two elders. To get here to chiloè, we have to take a bus from puerto montt about an hour and a half, and then a boat for about 30 minutes and then a bus for another 30 minutes as it is at the north of chiloé.

Friday night we had an activity in the church, and right before the children were practicing for their primary program, and i got in and asked them if they would like a piano player and the primary president was so excited and grateful, and so were all the children, as they al want to be taught the piano. It was alot of fun, all the branch enjoyed to have music and it was nice to have a piano again and not a little keyboard as we had in muermos. 

Well, i had to say good bye to muermos which was hard, but it ended a good time in my mission. Hard, but i feel like i grew the most while i was in muermos, i feel like that changed me alot as a missionary and as  person, i recognize how the church works and how i need to be as a member and as a follower of Christ.

Well i hope all have a wonderful thanskgiving, it looks like here in chile they will be doing absolutley nothing as it doesnt exist but i hope that all have a wonderful time and eat a ton of turkey for me.

Love you all
Elder Nelson