Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The longest sentence ever

So we enjoyed Jentry's letter so much this week and noticed he had a really, really long sentence without a period.  He told us that currently the mail is on strike in Chile and we decided that maybe periods are on strike there too. I left the sentence "as is".  See if you can spot it...and don't run out of breath while reading it.

This week has been a very rainy and a very cold August for us here in Los Muermos.
Almost everyday has been rainy other than Saturday. The rain is so cold rain. I am so ready for spring time. Only a month left of winter here so that will be nice to start warming up.

This was a busy but very good week.  We have been having a tithing audit for the branch with the mission, so some people from the mission came, but the secretary didn't have any of the papers so they left, and I have been kind of in charge of getting everything organized, or in better terms, if Elder McDOnald and I don't get it done, it won't get done, so I have been getting familiarized with MLS, and have been finding all of the papers that we need, and getting everything squared away so this week we will be able to have a tithing audit and I think that it will actually go well this time, just a lot of work here in the office in the church, but it will be worth it in the end, so that there aren't financial problems here in Los Muermos, I am turning into a good 1st counselor, secretary, missionary. It sure is keeping me busy, which is always good.  It makes time go by really fast.

This week, we had a good activity where we watched 17 Miracles, it was awesome for several reasons:1. We had 4 investigators that came and they had good fellowshipping there, 2. There was a good amount of food, 3. The Movie was in english and subtitled into Spanish, 4. I saw my companion cry (I didnt cry but it was so hot in the church that my eyes started to sweat).

It was a great movie about sacrifice, and it was a treat for us to really enjoyed it in English. The little family who is setting to get baptized come out to the movie so that was very good. We are encouraging them to have the interview this week so be praying that it all goes well, i am pretty excited and really praying for that.
Here is a couple of funny pictures of a couple of sheep and a tied up dog. We were walking up  to work from our house which is at a bottom of a little hill, and off to the side was a sheep and a dog fighting.  The sheep was just messing with the poor dog that was tied up.  He would back up and run and head butt the dog, sometimes really hard, and sometimes he would run up to the dog and not go all the was, just pulling up outside of the reach of the dog, it was really hilarious to watch.

Well, I will be praying for a good recovery from Grandpa Nelson, and I ask for God to bless him. Tell HELLO to everyone from me, and enjoy the hot arizona sun.

I love you all, Que el Señor les bendiga

Elder Jentry Nelson