Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fall's just around the corner

Dear Family,
Well, this week, we can definitely feel that the summer time is ending as it is starting to be a lot rainier and colder in the mornings, but right now when it rains, it isn't that cold which is really nice.
This week, me and my companion have been getting to know alot better our sector which is really nice, we havent gotten lost that many times haha but it is definately getting better.
This week was full of meetings, we had a zone conference this week with the doctor of the area, he told us about the importance of making sure our backs and knees stay healthy and showing us ways to help them before they cause you alot of problems, after that we talked alot about the conference from Elder Ballard as he gave us alot of promises that we can have if we change some things, but it was really good. Our president is getting really close to finishing his mission and is trying to get one last good push before he ends (right after me). 
On Friday, we had a meeting for all the zone leaders of the mission, it was good to see a lot of my friends that I have known throughout the mission, President Rappleye showed us a really cool video about two missionaries playing basketball with a bunch of black guys, it is called Mormon missionaries in the hood playing basketball, go check it out.
We are getting super close to having some baptisms here in Rahue which is great, we have a great zone which always has the best numbers.
We had a ward activity on Saturday about the Book of Mormon, and I made some really cool little figures for the game which I will try to take a picture of and send to you later, almost nobody came though, which was sad.  Well, its going great right now, just working hard here.
Thanks for all the love and support,
Elder Nelson
 My puppy fix