Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 1, 2013

Happy August!
It has been a very cold week but not quite so rainy. Today is a gorgeous day with a lot of sun and a lot of dogs basking in the sun, I think we all are enjoying a break from the rain) Dogs laying in the sun make me think of Tanner and Oscar laying on the porch sunning and how Oscars tummy would get really tan!

This has been a good week with alot of growth and we have been finding people to teach.  We had to go to Puerto Montt a couple of times in the past week which always cuts into our time out because it is an hour away. I'm starting to get tired of buses but at the same time its fun because you see alot of interesting people on the bus.
Last night we had a way cool experience. We were passing by people and we had the feeling to knock a certain door and out came an inactive woman who was super nice,that we could reactivate. We have a lot bigger focus on less active members than  on anything else right now in the mission, because there are so many of them. We are giving them little assignments like bringing the bread for the sacrament and then seeing which of them are willing to come to church and we try to ensure that there will be a good reception by the other members for them. It is working well, about 60-70% of the poeple that we give these assignments to will come to church which is a great thing. Then with time they can have a calling, recieve the priesthood and other things.

The training has been going well with Elder McDonald.  He had the oppurtunity to invite some people to be baptized and of the two, 1 said yes the other no.  He also had the oppurtunity to anoint for the first time in spanish, so it was a very good week.

Well thanks for all the love and support, I hope that everything is going well for you.

Love Elder Nelson