I Hope that everyone had a great
Easter. It was nice to remember the true meaning of Easter during
this time. We went to some of the members and shared a mormon message about
Easter with them, by Elder Holland called "Totalmente solo" or
"Completely Alone". It was really good but other than the Catholics, nobody
really celebrates Easter. All of the Catholics walk in the street singing
and carrying crosses and stuff, and when they pass us they try to aim their song
at us. I'm happy that semana santa is over and we can return to normal. We
also had a lesson with an evangelist where the guy started yelling at us
because we told him that Jesus Christ was in the Americas. It was a good
opportunity to bear my testimony about it. While he was yelling we stayed calm
and I told him that I have prayed and asked God if Jesus really came to the Americas
and he answered me - yes. I asked him if he had prayed and he said no because he already
knows that Jesus didn't come here. It's frustrating with Evangelicos and their
pastors, but there isn't much that we can do with them. They believe in
their pastor more than God.
Well, I am starting to think that I am bad luck for my
companions because this past week Elder Barriga had a pain in his leg. On
Wednesday we went to the doctor in downtown Valdivia and learned that he has tendonitis. He needed to be on bed rest for 3-5 days so I did some divisions with another
missionary to be able to work. We still had to stay in the house a little and it was nice to get a little extra sleep.
Well I hope everyone is enjoying the nice spring time, and
taking care, and staying warm during the time while it is starting to get a
little colder.
Take Care, Love Elder Nelson